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Gender policies for schools

When kindness becomes cruelty. March 2024 substack from RGE explaining our policies against allowing social transition and preferred pronouns in schools.

Press statement 8 May 2023. Resist Gender Education and an increasing number of parents are challenging the way children as young as five are being taught that they can choose their sex; that sex is determined by how well they fit into sex stereotypes; and that it's easy, joyful, and authentic to embrace body dysmorphia as a way of coping with unhappy feelings.

Stella O'Malley, psychotherapist and Director of Genspect provides an introduction to the issues for schools here. Genspect advocates for a "cautious, gentle, compassionate and understanding approach."

The gender affirmative model and social transition in schools (April 2023) Transgender Trend responds to the Department for Education draft transgender guidance proposals for schools in the UK. "The DfE must decide if schools are to follow either an activist approach or an approach in line with normal standards of safeguarding. It can’t be a bit of both."

A Teacher’s Guide to Sex and Gender            

This UK website from Teachers for Evidence-based Education provides guidance and resources to help educational professionals navigate the issue of sex and gender identity in schools. The group believes that “sex matters and that to deny the importance of material reality will lead to inequality and conflict between people with different protected characteristics.”

Guidance on supporting trans children in schools

This new (Feb 2023) guidance is provided by UK education unions and sector bodies and aims to help schools meet their legal duties while supporting all children.

Sex and Gender Identity

This February 2023 revised and updated guidance for UK schools was jointly produced by Sex Matters and Transgender Trend.

Brief Guidance for Schools Produced by Genspect, this guidance advises schools to develop a sex and gender policy and to take a "cautious, least-invasive- first approach" to gender issues.

Brief Guidance on Social Transition Also produced by Genspect, the guidance includes several cautions, including one against allowing students to dictate other people's use of pronouns, saying "it is not acceptable to act as though it is an act of hostility to use the biologically correct pronoun."

Resist Gender Education supports the right of schools to teach according to their special character and we certainly support them in choosing not to teach belief systems as though they are fact.

Read our statement here.

Safe Schools Alliance UK

Although this website refers to the legalities and education guidelines in the UK, it also contains helpful advice on how to talk to schools that is applicable to Aotearoa.

I’m Local

This is a NZ site with a downloadable “Queer & Trans 101” comic that shows how gender ideology is presented and taught to children.

Gender Curriculum Rejected, Support For Opt-In Sex Ed – Poll - Family First NZ

A NZ Poll regarding views on the recently updated “Relationships & Sexuality Education Guide”. {Link to our critique of the RSE Guide.}

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