For Parents
This very useful guide from Bayswater Support Group (a UK group that supports parents of trans-identifying children) describes some of the key risk factors for gender questioning children:
Overlooking and failing to address other issues: e.g. ASD, ADHD, mental health issues, eating disorders, sexual abuse/other trauma, severe bullying, confusion over sexual orientation (e.g. internalised homophobia).
Likelihood that a student may take harmful physical steps to change their body in line with their attested gender identity, e.g. binding, tucking, hormonal interventions, including circumventing NHS protocols by procuring items online.
Exposure to inappropriate/inaccurate online information and/or adult influence (including explicit sexual content).
Parental alienation due to a culture where children are encouraged to keep secrets from anyone they suspect may ask questions about their desire to socially/medically transition.
In this 5 minute video, Abigail Shrier explains the phenomenon of Rapid Onset Gender Dysphoria (ROGD) and its tragic effects on a generation of (mostly) girls. She says, “Schools can and should insist that every child be treated respectfully without sowing gender confusion in an entire population.”
In this Free Post article, Finnish specialist, Dr Riittakerttu Kaltiala explains that “My country, and others, found there is no solid evidence supporting the medical transitioning of young people.”
"A Terrible Trap", an article by Charlotte Paul about the dangers of puberty blockers, was published in the December 2023 issue of "North and South". In the article Paul says, "We have taught these girls to think they are really boys and thus to be disturbed by the changes of puberty... The only solution looks to be the suppressing of puberty. We adults have encouraged children to think like this."
Transition Alley by Andrew Anthony. The Listener May 13 2023.
The use of puberty blockers is “a dispute about science, best practice and the protection of young and vulnerable people.”
Anatomy of a Medical Scandal by Victoria Smith. This review of Hannah Barnes' book "Time to Think" (about the collapse of the Tavistock Clinic) asks why everyone ignored "the elephant in the room, namely that human beings cannot change sex and the most vulnerable children should not be encouraged to believe that they can".
Empowering Parents - Young People and Gender Identity. This downloadable PDF provides vital, accurate, information for parents and teachers to help them understand the complex issues affecting their children. Produced by "The Countess", a voluntary, non-partisan human rights group based in Ireland.
Trans Activism’s Dangerous Myth of Parental Rejection - Quillette
This article discusses the myth of parental rejection often fed to children by trans activists and used as an excuse by schools for hiding gender non-conformity from parents.
Social Transition: A Terrible Idea
In this blog, the author explains why social gender transition is "a modern-day parental choice made on autopilot", and a terrible idea.
When sons become daughters by Angus Fox.
A seven-part series in Quillette that explores how parents react when a son announces he wants to be a girl.
Websites we recommend:
A New Zealand support group has been set up for parents who are concerned about medical solutions to treat their gender-questioning children. It is a space where parents can safely share experiences and resources, listen and learn from each other.
Bayswater is a UK support group for parents that is wary of medical solutions to gender dysphoria, when exploring gender roles is part of normal child development. It has definitions, FAQs, and parenting tips, including advice for parents of autistic girls.
“Our Duty is to bring our children to adulthood healthy in body and mind.”
This UK group was formed in 2018 to help parents to “know that there are other parents who feel the same as they do – that medical transition is harmful, that there really is no such thing as a transgender child.”
PITT – Parents with Inconvenient Truths about Trans
PITT is a US parents’ blog on Substack with a free subscription. Here you can read other parents’ experiences and how they navigated transgender identities with their children. Their objective is to inform the public, through their personal stories, of the devastating impact of gender ideology on their families.
This is an Australian organisation that advocates against social transitioning in schools and for the end of medical and surgical transition of minors. “Encouraging children to reject their own bodies is wrong, eroticising and sexualising a child’s learning environment is wrong, [and] schools should never, ever lie to parents about their children.”
This is a Scandinavian website, translated into English, where parents and detransitioners provide evidence that transition is not overwhelmingly successful.