The Anxious Generation by Jonathan Haidt. "With a series of horrifying graphs and corresponding analysis, Haidt demonstrates that young people’s mental health has fallen off a cliff since the early 2010s. While acknowledging the impact of over-diagnosis and self-reported mental illness, the correlation between the arrival of smart phones and social media with soaring numbers of mental illnesses among young people appears to be unmistakeable." (Stella O'Malley.)
Bad Therapy, is an investigation from Abigail Shrier, the author of Irreversible Damage, into a mental health industry that is harming, not healing, American children.
When Kids Say They're Trans is a guide book for parents, written by Sasha Ayad, Lisa Marchiano and Stella O'Malley. It is described as essential reading for all aprents and professionals supporting young people stuggling with the issue of gender identity.
Lost in Transnation. Child psychologist, Dr Miriam Grossman’s new book “Lost in Transnation” is an essential guide out of the madness for anyone whose family is embroiled in a gender identity battle or who wants to prevent one.
Parents with Inconvenient Truths about Trans is a collection of deeply personal stories about the effects of gender ideology on vulnerable, socailly awkward kids and their families.
Time to Think. Hannah Barnes’s book about the rise and calamitous fall of the Gender Identity Development Service for children in north London, is the result of intensive work, carried out across several years. A journalist at the BBC’s Newsnight, Barnes has based her account on more than 100 hours of interviews with Gids’ clinicians, former patients, and other experts, many of whom are quoted by name. It comes with 59 pages of notes, plentiful well-scrutinised statistics, and it is scrupulous and fair-minded. Such a book cannot easily be dismissed.
Irreversible Damage: The transgender craze seducing our daughters by Abigail Shrier
Until very recently, gender dysphoria affected only a very small number of people and mainly boys. But suddenly, whole friendship groups of teenage girls are ‘coming out’ as transgender. Shrier, a writer for the Wall Street Journal, has dug deep into the trans epidemic, talking to the girls, their agonized parents, counsellors and doctors, as well as to “detransitioners”— young women who bitterly regret what they have done to themselves. She offers urgently needed advice about how parents can protect their daughters.
Trans: When Ideology Meets reality by Helen Joyce
This is a painstakingly researched book about trans activism and every issue related to it.
Material Girls: Why Reality Matters for Feminism by Kathleen Stock
This book thoroughly critiques the theory of gender identity and explains the significance and impact of biological sex, especially on women.
Trans: Exploring Gender Identity and Gender Dysphoria by Dr Az Hakeem
Hakeem is a clinical psychologist who has assembled contributions from experts to provide a guide to the psychology and everyday reality of gender dysphoria and being trans.
Transgender Children and Young People: Born in Your Own Body by Heather Brunskell-Evans & Michele Moore
This book is a collection of essays that argue that it is politics, not science, which accounts for the exponential rise in the number of children diagnosed as transgender by gender identity clinics.
Inventing Transgender Children and Young People by Heather Brunskell-Evans & Michele Moore
The essays in this volume are written by clinicians, psychologists, sociologists, educators, parents and detransitioners. Contributors demonstrate how transgender children and young people are invented in different medical, social and political contexts.