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  • Resist Gender Education | Rainbow Teaching in Schools

    Rainbow Teaching in Schools Some schools may not have teachers instructing students on relationships and sexuality at all, but may instead outsource this teaching to various Rainbow organisations or other groups under the guise of ‘anti-bullying’ or ‘diversity’ classes. Be aware of what these organisations are teaching your children: Click on the logos for more information The Birds and the Bees. Our review of this app that is available online to any children and is inappropriately recommended by its developers for children from the age of 12. (Note that the app is not officially used in schools and children can access it from anywhere. ) Guide for gender-diverse students includes subterfuge This 9 page guide for Hutt Valley High School students who are gender-questioning includes advice on how to change their pronouns at school without alerting their parents (p4.) It supports mandatory use of preferred pronouns (p4) and refers students for further advice to a long list of Rainbow groups where students will receive unquestioning affirmation. (p9) Click here to view When a quarter of the class identifies as trans This testimonial is from a US school but Aotearoa is on the same trajectory. See our testimonials.

  • Resist Gender Education | What are your kids reading?

    What are your kids reading? Do the books in your child’s school library include a wide range of girl and boy characters with girls who are strong and independent and boys who show gentleness and compassion? Do the stories build positive attitudes to girls’ and boys’ bodies, or do they foster body dissociation by saying bodies ought to be altered to match sex stereotypes? Do the plotlines assert that children can actually change sex and it is easy, desirable, and ‘cool’ to do so? Are the books telling confused children that they can find their “authentic selves” through medical intervention? There is a plethora of children’s and Young Adult books now in schools that refer to gender identity, pronouns, LGBTQ+, transgender, or non-binary, and are drenched in gender ideology. They deny there are two sexes and that we are born male or female. Instead, they claim, we are assigned sex at birth and that it is liberating to claim a different ‘gender identity’. Here we list some books that DO have a clear-thinking approach to sex and gender and also a few books that should be avoided. Books with an asterisk are highly recommended - ask the school librarian to purchase them. Positive books for Primary Students Positive books for Secondary Students Books to Avoid

  • Resist Gender Education | Your Rights as a Parent

    Your Rights as a Parent Parents have the right to opt their children out of specified parts of the health curriculum related to sexuality. Many parents are surprised to learn that, by law, schools are required to provide a full consultation for parents on sexuality education every two years . This includes providing the curriculum content and adequate opportunity for parents to submit anonymous feedback. Consultation – use it or lose it . Here are the legal requirements for schools to consult with parents about the content of relationship and sexuality education and what parents can do if they are dissatisfied with the consultation offered. Some parents have advised that when they have requested the teaching materials, schools will only allow them to leaf through hard copy versions in the school office due to copyright issues (for example, Family Planning’s resource “Navigating the Journey"), thus creating a barrier for many busy parents. Schools are free to deliver the Relationship and Sexuality curriculum in their own ways, after consultation with their communities . Some may restrict the teaching to specific RSE classes, which parents can opt their child out of if they wish. Others may follow the recommendations from the Ministry of Education and ensure that gender theory and ideology is enmeshed throughout as many different areas of study as possible – English, Science, History, PRIDE week lessons, extra curricular rainbow groups and so on – thus restricting your ability as a parent to effectively withdraw your child from these topics. Individual teachers may develop their own curriculum for the year, using the Ministry of Education guidelines as just that – a minimum guide. So some teachers, who may be particularly passionate about gender theory, may teach more extreme or activist versions than a teacher who perhaps isn’t as convinced that sex is “on a spectrum”. All teachers, however, will be expected to teach the minimum concepts found in the curriculum (for example, that sex is assigned, not observed at birth, and that sex is on a spectrum, not binary). Schools should always seek to inform, involve, and respect parents when deciding what to teach their students. This is particularly important when those topics are of a sensitive or sexual nature. The teaching of gender ideology may directly go against the faith and culture of many students and families within the school community. Child safe-guarding, age appropriateness, and cultural or religious sensitivities are issues to be openly and readily discussed with parents – not avoided or actively hidden from parents. What duty does a school have to inform parents if their child socially transitions at school? The RSE guide encourages schools to support a child’s social transition without mentioning the need to consult parents. Social transition – where a child changes their name and wears clothing associated with the opposite sex – is not a benign act but the first extremely controversial step of a treatment pathway for gender dysphoria. When schools endorse social transition without explicit parental consent, they are depriving parents of the opportunity to fulfill their responsibilities under the Care of Children Act 2004 to determine the medical treatment of their child. We have received legal advice that confirms that, under the Education Act, principals are expected to inform parents of any matters that in the principal’s opinion “ are preventing or slowing the student’s progress... (or) harming the student’s relationships with teachers or other students.” Points to note are: This expectation is entirely dependent on the principal’s opinion and there is no case law to clarify the extent or limits of the principal’s decision. Whether the obligation to inform parents of any matter is triggered depends on the circumstances of a particular case . There ought to be no school policy or teaching practice that automatically decides to keep information from a parent. Each case must be considered on its merits and the decision made by the principal . Although parents have legal duties and responsibilities towards their children, as the children get older, the parents’ guardianship role changes to that of an advisor. The courts have previously found that a child of or over the age of 16 years in most cases is presumed to have sufficient maturity to make his or her own decisions. Conclusion In the absence of case law, whether or not you will be informed about your child socially transitioning at school wholly depends on the principal’s ideological view and the age of your child. If the principal is fully supportive of organisations like InsideOUT and follows its advice, you will not be informed . InsideOUT incorrectly asserts that schools are obliged by the Privacy Act not to tell parents and, in addition, from the age of 16 your child is considered old enough to instruct the school not to tell you. As you cannot be certain that you will be made aware of your child’s social transition at school , it is imperative that you become fully aware of what is being taught there regarding gender identity and which rainbow organisations or clubs the school hosts. Knowing what beliefs are being presented to your child as facts is the first step towards countering this damaging ideology. Make sure you are fully informed about the biennial consultations on the Health curriculum so that you are able to consider withdrawing your child from RSE classes if you think the content is unsuitable. Here are some further useful links: Stella O'Malley, psychotherapist and Director of Genspect provides an introduction to the issues for schools here . Genspect advocates for a "cautious, gentle, compassionate and understanding approach." We recommend this policy from a US school: " We believe in parental choice and that we are here to serve families. As we strive to build upon connections with our families, we leave the job of parenting to our parents. They are responsible for imparting morals and values taught in their homes including practiced political, religious, and social viewpoints. We trust that they know what is best for their student as the student grows and develops into an adult.” The gender affirmative model and social transition in schools (April 2023) Transgender Trend responds to the Department for Education draft transgender guidance proposals for schools in the UK. " The DfE must decide if schools are to follow either an activist approach or an approach in line with normal standards of safeguarding. It can’t be a bit of both." A Teacher’s Guide to Sex and Gender This UK website from Teachers for Evidence-based Education provides guidance and resources to help educational professionals navigate the issue of sex and gender identity in schools. The group believes that “sex matters and that to deny the importance of material reality will lead to inequality and conflict between people with different protected characteristics.” Guidance on supporting trans children in schools This new (Feb 2023) guidance is provided by UK education unions and sector bodies and aims to help schools meet their legal duties while supporting all children. Sex and Gender Identity This February 2023 revised and updated guidance for UK schools was jointly produced by Sex Matters and Transgender Trend. Brief Guidance for Schools Produced by Genspect, this guidance advises schools to develop a sex and gender policy and to take a "cautious, least-invasive- first approach" to gender issues. Brief Guidance on Social Transition Also produced by Genspect, the guidance includes several cautions, including one against allowing students to dictate other people's use of pronouns, saying "it is not acceptable to act as though it is an act of hostility to use the biologically correct pronoun." Saying no to school transition . In this article from the Critic, UK MP Miriam Cates, explains why new Education Department policy should ban schools from socially transitioning a child, even with parental consent. “ The need for guidance is indisputable, but anything other than a total ban on schools socially transitioning children will exacerbate [these] tensions. Not only is a ban the right ethical solution, it is also the only way to protect head teachers from being forced to make high stakes decisions for which they are unqualified. ”

  • Resist Gender Education | Videos, Interviews and Podcasts

    Videos, Interviews and Podcasts The Rising Tide of Transgender Identity - What's Going On? This video from Genspect explains the causes and effects of the transgender phenomenon in less than eleven minutes. A new organisation called Inflection Point organised a conference in Wellington on 18 May “for New Zelanders who want the Government to stop gender indoctrination and medicalisation of our children.” Attendees reported an invigorating afternoon with speakers as diverse as Jan Rivers, Ro Edge, Di Landy, Brian Tamaki and Bob McCoskrie from New Zealand, and Mia Hughes, Jennifer Bilek and Kellie-Jay Keen-Minshull speaking via Zoom. All of the speeches are now online here . In particular, we highly recommend the speeches of three of RGE’s supporters: Jan Rivers, Katherine Chua, and Ro Edge. Andrew Doyle's video explaining social contagion . Andrew is a UK journalist and the host of '"Free Speech Nation" on GB News. Interview on Reality Check Radio Maree Buscke spoke to Fern Hickson on 29 May about gender ideology in schools and how parents can counter it. A motion to implement the Cass Review in Scotland was debated in the Scottish Parliament on 8 May. Many excellent speeches are contained in this video of the debate. Interview on the Platform Leah Panapa spoke to Fern Hickson on 1 May about the RSE Guide and Resist Gender Education's Open Letter to the Minister of Education. In this interview on the Platform on March 27, Sean Plunket interviews Sunita Torrance, the founder of Rainbw Storytime in libraries, who admits that drag queens parody women and act as the clown in their events. In this 22 minute presentation, Professor Sallie Baxendale , a UK Consultant Neuropsychologist, describes the effect of puberty on the brain and cites studies showing lower IQ scores for participants who have taken puberty blockers. RGE on The Platform . Our spokesperson, Fern Hickson, was interviewed by Sean Plunket on 23 January about why RGE supports the government's plan to replace the RSE Guide and the major changes that are needed. [Correction: Rose Hipkins works for NZCER not The Education Institute.] Child Psychiatrist, Dr Miriam Grossman (author of 'Lost in Transnation') has excellent advice for parents in this interview by Matt Walsh . In this outtake from an upcoming series "Uncomfortable Truths: The Reality of Gender Identity Ideology", Helen Joyce comments on the "dishonest and irresponsible" parents quoted in the book, "The Transgender Child". In a BBC Newsnight report , a re-analysis of a landmark study about the efficacy of puberty blockers shows the mental health of 34% of the children deteriorated after 12 months of puberty blockers and 27% stayed the same. Helen Joyce speaks with Sean Plunket on the Platform. De-transitioning documentary . (link to full version) In what is billed as “the most controversial Spotlight story this year”, which aired on 3 September, Australian channel 7 News spoke to parents, doctors, and detransitioners and asked the question: “Is a generation being brainwashed?” In these two 5-10 minute interviews from the documentary, Dr Jillian Spencer and Dr Dylan Wilson decry the ‘gender affirmation only’ model of care. In this interview with Peter Boghossian , Helen Joyce discusses how trans identification is a culture-bound syndrome— created by one culture and not present in another. She also explained why parents who have transed their kids will be the ones who must keep fighting until their dying breath to destroy the recognition of the two sexes as legal categories, otherwise they must admit thay have done something terrible to their own children. Richard Dawkins interviews Helen Joyce . They discuss the influence of gender ideology on society and its implications for scientific facts. Jordan Peterson interviews Helen Joyce . This is the second time Peterson has interviewed her and Helen commented that "The pleasure was in being asked different questions to those that arise during my own self-interrogation and rumination, and that nobody I know personally thinks to ask me either." The Bad Law Project in the UK is suing the Department for Education for negligence for promoting gender ideology in schools despite its forseeable harms. It is calling for more parents, teachers and detransitioners to join the first ten litigants. The case also seeks to have gender ideology properly defined in law to expose its political extremism. Listen here to Marg Curnow on the Pendulum Channel on Voice Media. Brandubh a secondary school student, speaks out on gender ideology teaching in Ireland and is damning of her school and her fellow students. “I was not an activist when I started at that school, but I definitely am now,” she says. RGE’s spokesperson , Marg Curnow, spoke on our behalf at a rally outside Parliament on 8 June and on Reality Check Radio on 31 May. Stella O'Malley , psychotherapist and Director of Genspect provides an introduction to the issues for schools here. Genspect advocates for a "cautious, gentle, compassionate and understanding approach." Scott Newgent , a woman who has medically and surgically transitioned to a transman, speaks to a US press conference to “put an end to the idea that medically transitioning children is about human rights. It is not. It is about money.” How was I supposed to know? “How was I supposed to know?” This is the sorrowful question from Chloe Cole, an 18 year old from California who has reclaimed her womanhood after identifying as a male for six years. Unfortunately, those six years have left an indelible mark on her body - her voice is permanently deepened by the testosterone she started taking at the age of 13, she had her breasts removed at 15, and, at 18, she suffers from the sexual dysfunction that is normally associated with menopause. As with so many other trans-identifying teenage girls, Chloe’s normal adolescent struggles were diagnosed as gender dysphoria without proper investigation of other potential causes for her unhappiness, and hormones were prescribed immediately. In this informative interview with Chloe, Jordan Peterson says: Well consent has to be documented but it also has to be informed and informed means you have to understand what you are consenting to. You needed to be walked through in great detail all of the issues that were relevant to you on the psychological and medical front, all of the options that were available to you, and the pros and cons of all those options. I can’t see in any possible way that that could have been done with any degree of thoroughness in something under six months of weekly therapy and I would say that’s an absolute minimum to walk anyone through something as complicated as what you laid out. Detransition: The Wounds That Won't Heal | Chloe Cole | EP 319 This is a two hour video in which Peterson discusses Chloe’s case in depth. For shorter viewing, click on the link under the image for 25 key moments from the interview. What’s causing the trans explosion? In this hour long interview on Triggernometry, Helen Joyce explains why “Gender dysphoria is something that society creates” and what led her to write her book Trans: When ideology meets reality. RGE Presentation to CATA conference View the presentation made to the CATA conference in August 2022 on behalf of Resist Gender Education. Read the transcript. Sex education gets extreme This 25 minute Family First video analyses the MOE relationships and sexuality education guidelines, and takes a close look at Family Planning’s “Navigating the Journey” programme that is used in many NZ schools. The Trans Train and Transgender Regret Documentaries - Bayswater Support Investigative journalists in Sweden have now produced three reports looking at the treatment given to those who seek gender transition, and who later regret their decision. All three parts are in Swedish with English subtitles. Mission: Investigate: Trans Children In this 2021 Swedish documentary with English subtitles the investigative journalist finds “case after case of irreversible treatment of young people gone wrong”, including a 15 year old who has constant pain from severely reduced bone density after being on puberty blockers for four years. “Those with the ultimate responsibility blame each other.” Trans Kids: It’s Time to Talk In this acclaimed Channel 4 (UK) documentary, Stella O'Malley describes the reality of the trans craze that is afflicting a generation of teens who are simply uncomfortable in their bodies. Dysphoric: A Four-part Documentary Series - Bayswater Support This four-part documentary looks at the effect of gender identity ideology on women and girls. It includes interview with illustrative highlights from worldwide media coverage. What is particularly interesting, and discussed virtually nowhere else, is the rise of trans-identification in developing countries. Controversy brewing over transgender children’s access to puberty blockers A 2021 NZ documentary from TV3. Gender: A Wider Lens Podcast – Stella O’Malley and Sasha Ayed O’Malley and Ayed are two practising therapists who explore the concept of gender in a series of episodes with clinicians, academics, transgender people, parents and detransitioners. Calmversations on Apple Podcasts - with Benjamin A. Boyce

  • Resist Gender Education | The Latest

    The Latest Here are our most recent Substack articles, newsletters, and other important news items about gender education. Use this Index to our Substacks to easily find the information you seek. Click on News archives to see news from previous years. August 2024 newsletter School Docs corrections, library letters, roundup of medical stories. Keep gender ideology out of the HRA. Some tips on how to submit to the Law Commission's review. Our submission to the Law Commission 's Issue Paper has recommended that 'gender identity' is NOT added to the protected charcteristics of the Human Rights Act. We do have some other suggestions, though. Kicking the can down the road. Those whose votes were influenced last year by the promise from Erica Stanford to “deal with the RSE curriculum” must be feeling very let down that the Minister of Education has instead ‘kicked the can down the road’. Have your say. Feedback to the Law Commission on proposed changes to the Human Rights Act. Locking in victimhood. A cross-post from the Ministry has Fallen about how trans and non-binary kids are being taught they can never win. July 2024 newsletter. Law Commission recommends HRA changes, Two open letters, RGE Guidelines endorsed, Suicide & Cass misinformation. Simple Questions some schools won't answer . If schools are confident that their policies are the best practice and that they benefit all their students and families why won't they be transparent about them? Primary OIA questions June 2024 Here are the ten simple questions about gender identity practices we sent to primary schools. Informed consent is missing in action Rodney Hide’s description this week of the trouble he had to go to to dig up the content of the Relationships and Sexuality Education (RSE) lessons at his daughter’s school (“ Sex education at Wakatipu High ”), demonstrates that schools are falling far short of their legal requirement to provide meaningful information to parents on the topic. June 2024 newsletter No change in MoE policy, Minister's underwhelming response to Open Letter, new teacher support group, gender a hot topic in the UK election, BMJ supports Cass Review, international statistics show reduced support for gender beliefs. Another planet sounds inviting The MoE updated its standard for Toilets and Changing Spaces in March 2024, four months after the election. The standard is in complete submission to transgender beliefs and crassly dehumanises girls in the process. May 2024 newsletter Open Letter sent, parliamentary events, new SUFW poll, UK update, Unsilenced conference, social contagion video, RGE radio interviews. Video from the Unsilenced conference held in Wellington on 18 May “for New Zelanders who want the Government to stop gender indoctrination and medicalisation of our children.” All of the speeches are now online here . In particular, we highly recommend the speeches of three of RGE’s supporters: Jan Rivers, Katherine Chua, and Ro Edge. Andrew Doyle's video explaining social contagion . Andrew is a UK journalist and the host of '"Free Speech Nation" on GB News. Interview on Reality Check Radio Maree Buscke spoke to Fern Hickson on 29 May about gender ideology in schools and how parents can counter it. Unmitigated stress A template letter, useful for teachers and parents, to ask BoTs to uphold their responsibilities as employers by removing the stress being caused by social transitioning in schools. A Roadmap for Schools The Key Recommendations from RGE's Independent NZ Guidelines for Schools. Independent NZ Guidelines on Sex and Gender in Schools. This fully-referenced, comprehensive guide was sent to schools on 6 May 2024. It provides information, resources, and a roadmap for the development of a New Zealand-wide respectful school climate on sex and gender issues, in alignment with international best practice. Interview on the Platform Leah Panapa spoke to Fern Hickson on 2 May about the RSE Guide and Resist Gender Education's Open Letter to the Minister of Education. April 2024 newsletter RGE Open Letter, Roundup of responses to the Cass Review, Curia poll shows 69% oppose gender ideology in primary schools, Secret transition testimonial, Netherlands study re desistance, Sex self-ID in Germany, Tickle vs Giggle, Rainbow Storytime cancelled. Open Letter to the Minister of Education. Press release 24 April 2024. The Mental Health Foundation’s open letter to the Minister of Education asking her to retain the RSE Guide is unnecessary at best and mischief-making at worst. Sign RGE's open letter asking for the Guide to be removed and replaced. Cass on Education. Last week, the long-awaited Cass Independent Review of gender identity services for children and young people was released in the UK. It unequivocally demolishes the core beliefs of transgender ideology. This substack quotes extensively from the Cass Review to assist parents and educators when they write to MPs, principals, or BOTs to easily find the evidence they need in support of their demands for an urgent change in NZ education policies. Questions of Pride. If your local school is participating in Schools' Pride SWeek in June, start asking these questions. Press statement 2 April 2024 We call on this government to urgently make good its promise to replace the RSE Guide. Protecting our children from this unscientific dogma ought to be a priority for the Education Minister. March 2024 newsletter . The list of countries and states that have banned or are investigating the prescription of puberty blockers to gender-distressed children is growing by the week. Libraries go astray . Drag Queens reading to children is not a way of modelling freedom, being yourself, or being kind; it is showing children a side of life they are not emotionally ready to understand and teaching them that lampooning women in a sexualised way is normal and acceptable behaviour. When kindness becomes cruelty. Schools that allow social transition before children have reached the cognitive milestone of sex constancy are disrupting the normal development of all the children in the school. February 2024 newsletter. The inflated suicide statistics for transgender youth are based on faulty research and do not take into account the many psychiatric comorbidities these patients have. The intersex red herring. LGBTQI is supposed to be a slogan of kindness, acceptance, and unity. But for those co-opted into the acronym against their will, it signifies the opposite. So how did they get linked together? Listen up, teacher unions. An open letter to the NZEI and PPTA, to explain why the current RSE Guide must be rewritten. Cut out the nonsense, Ms Stanford . Our Briefing Document to the new Minister of Education, asking her to cut out the gender ideology nonsense from the RSE Guide. RGE on The Platform . Our spokesperson, Fern Hickson, was interviewed by Sean Plunket on 23 January about why RGE supports the government's plan to replace the RSE Guide and the major changes that are needed. [Correction: Rose Hipkins works for NZCER not The Education Institute.] Jaunary 2024 newsletter. While New Zealand has been in holiday mode, in the northern hemisphere a tide of caution, clarity, and common sense is beginning to undermine the pillars of gender extremism. The War to Annihilate Sex by Arty Morty, a Canadian gender critical activist and gay man, clearly explains the gender debate and why the stakes are so high. "The facts simply don’t lie: there really is a crazy new social-media-fueled quasi-religious movement gaslighting everyone into pretending that sex isn’t real, it’s convinced an entire generation of youth that biological sex is some kind of right wing conspiracy, and it’s convinced parents to subject their children to experimental sex change treatments in an effort to prove that their religion is true." The statistics we are not allowed to know . If we do not know how many students are affected by transgender ideation, which cohorts or demographics are most affected, and whether or not the numbers are increasing, how can our education system provide the care and support our children (and parents) need? November 2023 Newsletter (Click to read) Has Christmas come early? RGE welcomes the Coalition Agreement commitment to remove the ideological RSE Guide. Push back from parents (and others) A substack covering national and international actions opposing gender ideology. In this 5 minute video, Abigail Shrier explains the phenomenon of Rapid Onset Gender Dysphoria (ROGD) and its tragic effects on a generation of (mostly) girls. She says, “Schools can and should insist that every child be treated respectfully without sowing gender confusion in an entire population.” October 2023 Newsletter (Click to read) Dealing with the Curriculum. Our substack that explains the curriculum, RSE Guide, and how InsideOut and Family Planning fit into the picture. Consultation – use it or lose it . What are the legal requirements for schools to consult with parents about the content of relationship and sexuality education? What can parents do if they are dissatisfied with the consultation offered?

  • Resist Gender Education | Sex is Real

    Sex is Real This video for teens tells the plain truth about sex and sexual orientation.

  • Resist Gender Education | Lesson Plans

    Lesson Plans In consultation with parents and teachers, we have created some suggested lesson plans for each Curriculum Level to provide guidance in how to approach teaching relationships and sexuality in a way that provides accurate and age-appropriate information for students. Our resources confirm that mammals have two sexes – male and female – but only humans have gender which is the particular way that males and females are expected to behave according to their culture and time. Although a person may change their gendered behaviour, their sex persists throughout life. We use body positivity principles. We support the rights of individuals to express themselves as they wish, to be treated with sympathy and care, and not to be taught that their personality or their body is wrong and in need of changing. We do not reinforce harmful stereotypes, for instance by affirming that children might be a different sex based on their hobbies or the clothes they prefer to wear. While boys and girls may dress, behave, and have interests as they wish, the sex they were born as remains the same. Download our lesson plans below RSE CL1 Lesson Plans RSE_CL1_Lesson_Plans final .pdf Download PDF • 232KB RSE CL2 Lesson Plans RSE_CL2_Lesson_Plans final .pdf Download PDF • 192KB RSE CL3 Lesson Plans RSE CL3 Lesson Plans .pdf Download PDF • 218KB RSE CL4 Lesson Plans RSE_CL4_Lesson_Plans final .pdf Download PDF • 230KB RSE CL5 Lesson Plans RSE_CL5_Lesson_Plans final .pdf Download PDF • 271KB Question Flowchart RSE Question Flowchart .pdf Download PDF • 221KB

  • Resist Gender Education | White Ribbon Toolbox

    White Ribbon Toolbox “Toolbox for Parents – Kids and Gender” was published in late 2021 by White Ribbon, purportedly to help parents understand and support their transgender children. This toolbox should come with a WARNING! The resource is filled with confusing and incorrect notions about gender and sex, with dangerous misinformation about puberty blockers, and with unsubstantiated judgemental assumptions about parents who may not feel comfortable about their child suddenly declaring they are ‘trans’. There is absolutely no consideration given to the social context in which a child declares a trans identity or to ways of supporting a child to fully explore what it means to be trans. Neither is there any discussion of a child’s (in)ability to consent to life-altering and health-damaging medical interventions. The errors begin on page one with author, Sandra Dickson, asking the question: “What if your child is sure the doctor got their gender wrong when they were born?’ Gender is not determined at birth; sex is. Gender refers to the behaviours and expectations that will be imposed on the child because of their sex – behaviours and expectations that are different for boys and girls and which vary according to time and place. There is nothing innate about gender – of itself it is not right or wrong – although in most places and in most times throughout history, gender expectations have been limiting, especially for girls and women. No one is born with a gender – we are born with a biological sex – male or female (or very occasionally – 0.018% – with a disorder of sexual development, or DSD). The person who ‘transitions’ does not change sex. They remain the sex they were born, no matter how much this assertion might upset them. More conflation of sex and gender follows, when the resource describes how boys may prefer dolls or girls may prefer short hair and uses those outdated sexist stereotypes as an indication that a child may be transgender. Dickson is again implying that sex can be ‘assigned’ as though it is not an unchangeable biological fact. Gender non-conforming behaviour is not an indication of anything and certainly does not mean a child is really the opposite sex. The absolute untruths in the section on ‘safe’ and ‘reversible’ puberty blockers and chest binding that starts on p.9 are appalling. The reverse is true: It is not safe to start children on puberty blockers. They are not a safe and reversible pause button. They almost inevitably lead to further medical and surgical damage to a natural healthy body and there is more and more evidence about the damage they cause. While waiting for a child to be old enough for puberty blockers, Dickson advises parents to encourage ‘social transition’ which, she enthuses, “will reduce your child’s distress”. Get them to choose a new name, choose pronouns of the sex they wish they were, select hair styles or clothes (that fit the stereotype of the sex they wish to imitate), she suggests. Being socially ‘transitioned’ is not observing a wait period. It becomes a priming period, ensuring that the child will not question their path until long after puberty. Once kids are started on the trans train, it is very hard to get off; it rattles along very quickly, and very seductively. When transitioned people reach maturity and look at their disfigured body, lack of fertility or pleasure in sex, and the ongoing painfulness of their surgically altered body parts, many wonder why they were sent down the transgender pathway by adults they trusted, instead of being supported to explore other possible reasons for their gender distress. On page 5, disguised as kind support, the real undermining of parents begins. Let go of what you know, it advises. You are the ones with the problem, concerned parents, so find support, watch and read Rainbow media. In other words: learn our way, our ideology. Your child knows who they are. We are right and you are wrong. Parents are encouraged to get their kids to Rainbow groups which are described as ‘safe places’. In reality, Rainbow groups are swamped with extreme attitudes and resources exactly like this one and are far from ‘safe’. They are echo-chambers that will reinforce a child’s belief in being transgender, raise none of the valid concerns of parents, and in many cases encourage teens to perceive their parents as “the enemy”. This Toolbox lacks the most useful and simple advice for parents: Anyone who really cares about kids ‘being themselves’, will encourage them to explore their gender expression, while accepting the sex they were born as. No child should be coached to identify as the opposite sex simply so they can do the things they enjoy.

  • Resist Gender Education | Primary OIA

    Primary OIA These are the OIA questions sent to primary schools in June 2024. 1. Does the school record and manage a child’s sex according to their birth certificate or a self-declared gender identity? (Choose one) □ Birth certificate □ Gender identity 2. Does the school have a written policy about how to manage requests for social transition from students or their parents? □ Yes (please supply the policy) □ No □ Under development 3. Does the school inform parents or guardians as soon as a child expresses a wish to change gender? (Choose one). □ Yes □ No □ Case-by-case basis (please elaborate). Have not been in this situation yet 4. Are toilets, changing facilities, sports activities and overnight accommodations accessible by sex or by self-declared gender identity? (Choose one) □ Biological sex alone□ Gender identity alone □ Case-by-case basis (please elaborate) 5. Does the school require other children to refer to children who have socially transitioned by their new name and preferred pronouns? (Choose one) □ Yes, in all cases □ Yes, but exceptions can be made (please give examples) □ No School Curriculum 6. Does the school teach that people have a gender identity that may be different from their biological sex? (Choose one). □ Yes. We follow curriculum guidelines □ No 7. Does the school teach about puberty blockers? (Choose one) □ Yes (please advise the curriculum level) □ No 8. Are RSE lessons restricted to Health classes or spread throughout the subjects? (Choose one) □ Restricted to Health classes □ Allowed in some other classes (please provide details) □ Allowed in all classes without restrictions 9. Has the school, since 2021, worked with an external provider (charity or commercial organisation) to train staff on RSE topics? (Choose one) □ Yes. Please name the provider(s). □ No 10. Does the school use lessons or resources on RSE topics that are produced by an external provider (charity or commercial organisation)? (Choose one) □ Yes. Please name the provider(s). □ No

  • Resist Gender Education | Gender policies for schools

    Gender policies for schools When kindness becomes cruelty. March 2024 substack from RGE explaining our policies against allowing social transition and preferred pronouns in schools. Press statement 8 May 2023. Resist Gender Education and an increasing number of parents are challenging the way children as young as five are being taught that they can choose their sex; that sex is determined by how well they fit into sex stereotypes; and that it's easy, joyful, and authentic to embrace body dysmorphia as a way of coping with unhappy feelings. Stella O'Malley , psychotherapist and Director of Genspect provides an introduction to the issues for schools here . Genspect advocates for a "cautious, gentle, compassionate and understanding approach." The gender affirmative model and social transition in schools (April 2023) Transgender Trend responds to the Department for Education draft transgender guidance proposals for schools in the UK. " The DfE must decide if schools are to follow either an activist approach or an approach in line with normal standards of safeguarding. It can’t be a bit of both." A Teacher’s Guide to Sex and Gender This UK website from Teachers for Evidence-based Education provides guidance and resources to help educational professionals navigate the issue of sex and gender identity in schools. The group believes that “sex matters and that to deny the importance of material reality will lead to inequality and conflict between people with different protected characteristics.” Guidance on supporting trans children in schools This new (Feb 2023) guidance is provided by UK education unions and sector bodies and aims to help schools meet their legal duties while supporting all children. Sex and Gender Identity This February 2023 revised and updated guidance for UK schools was jointly produced by Sex Matters and Transgender Trend. Brief Guidance for Schools Produced by Genspect, this guidance advises schools to develop a sex and gender policy and to take a "cautious, least-invasive- first approach" to gender issues. Brief Guidance on Social Transition Also produced by Genspect, the guidance includes several cautions, including one against allowing students to dictate other people's use of pronouns, saying "it is not acceptable to act as though it is an act of hostility to use the biologically correct pronoun." Resist Gender Education supports the right of schools to teach according to their special character and we certainly support them in choosing not to teach belief systems as though they are fact. Read our statement here . Safe Schools Alliance UK Although this website refers to the legalities and education guidelines in the UK, it also contains helpful advice on how to talk to schools that is applicable to Aotearoa. I’m Local This is a NZ site with a downloadable “Queer & Trans 101” comic that shows how gender ideology is presented and taught to children. Gender Curriculum Rejected, Support For Opt-In Sex Ed – Poll - Family First NZ A NZ Poll regarding views on the recently updated “Relationships & Sexuality Education Guide”. {Link to our critique of the RSE Guide.}

  • Resist Gender Education | The Truth About Transgender Medicine

    The Truth About Transgender Medicine The Rising Tide of Transgender Identity - What's Going On? This video from Genspect explains the causes and effects of the transgender phenomenon in less than eleven minutes. An independent review of data from the Tavistock Clinic found no evidence of increased suicide following release of the Cass Report. In a new study (2024), the Mayo Clinic has found mild to severe atrophy in the testes of boys on puberty blockers, leading the authors to express doubt in the claims that these drugs are 'safe and reversible'. Banning the Blockers . In this Quillette article , Bernard Lane gives an overview of the use of puberty blockers as a routine treatment for gender distress and the resulting medical scandal. March 2024. A major medical scandal in the UK and US has had almost no media coverage in NZ. The WPATH files are documents leaked from the internal chatboard of the World Professional Association for Transgender Health (WPATH). They shine a light on how so-called “gender-affirming care” or “transgender medicine” is leading to widespread medical malpractice on children and vulnerable adults. WPATH is extremely influential in shaping UK treatment protocols in the NHS. Thousands of children and vulnerable adults are being treated under these protocols. The leaked files reveal that treatments may do more harm than good, and suggest that some clinicians who are members of WPATH know this. ( Sex Matters ) In this Free Post article, Finnish specialist, Dr Riittakerttu Kaltiala explains that “My country, and others, found there is no solid evidence supporting the medical transitioning of young people.” "A Terrible Trap" , an article by Charlotte Paul about the dangers of puberty blockers, was published in the December 2023 issue of "North and South". In the article Paul says, "We have taught these girls to think they are really boys and thus to be disturbed by the changes of puberty... The only solution looks to be the suppressing of puberty. We adults have encouraged children to think like this ." Genspect NZ was launched at a webinar on 10 November 2023 and its new Gender Care Framework was introduced. Genspect's vision is to move beyond a medical understanding of gender identity and gender distress that typically leads to invasive medical interventions and toward a deeper understanding of gender and identity. The UK Council for Psychotherapy has issued new "guidance regarding gender critical views" that "accepts that the treatment of gender dysphoria is a complex matter, that psychotherapists and psychotherapeutic counsellors may hold differing views on what approach is in the best interests of their clients, and that these views and practices, and their associated professional diversities, should also be respected." In a BBC Newsnight report , a re-analysis of a landmark study about the efficacy of puberty blockers shows the mental health of 34% of the children deteriorated after 12 months of puberty blockers and 27% stayed the same. Is NZ's transgender medicine guideline an example of regulatory failure? Jan Rivers has published a 20 page report assessing the PATHA (Professional Association for Transgender Health Aotearoa) guideline for transgender care. “Like a lot of gender ideology research, the quality is very poor,” she says. Unlawful. In this article, Bernard Lane describes how the NZ Ministry of Health was warned by Medsafe in September 2022 it could be breaking the law by publicising the off-label use of puberty blockers for children. Questions mount around the use of puberty blockers in children. by Jan Rivers. "New Zealand rates of puberty blocker use are much higher than the UK, where the Tavistock Clinic’s Gender Service (GIDS) was closed due to unsafe practices. In New Zealand, Dr Sue Bagshaw reports that 65 per cent of her clinic’s 100 patients receive them. The Tavistock GIDS clinic prescribed blockers to about 6 per cent." What America has got wrong about gender medicine . This article in the Economist calls transgender medicine a “tragedy of good intentions” and argues that “Too many doctors have suspended their professional judgement.” The British Medical Journal has published a balanced investigation into the care of young people with gender dysphoria that reached the conclusion: “ If we have the best interests of young people at heart, then surely our duty is to offer evidence informed care? And, if the evidence base is weak, we must provide the necessary support to young people as well as prioritising research to answer questions on issues that are causing a great deal of distress, much of which is amplified by social media. Taking this route is essential: an evidence void not only exposes people to overtreatment but can also be used to deny people the care that they seek, such as through the draconian laws now being introduced in some US states. A better appreciation of the evidence, as well as the limits of medicine, is also the basis of a more constructive dialogue.” How the Tavistock gender clinic ran out of control. An in depth look at the revelations in Time to Think , the just-published book by Hannah Barnes that gives the inside story of the collapse of the Tavistock’s Gender Identity Service for Children. In this interview, detransitioner Ritchie Herron describes the catastrophic effects of his gender surgery which he says was "the biggest mistake of my life." On GB News, detransitioners Keira Bell and Ritchie Herron describe the lack of information they were given about the side effects of surgery and the pressure they felt under to agree to the recommendations of their doctors and therapists. Keira Bell: My Story - Persuasion As a teen, Keira transitioned to male but came to regret it. Faced with the loss of her breasts, possible infertility, atrophied genitals and a permanently deeper voice and facial hair, Keira became a claimant in a judicial review against the gender health clinic that had treated her . The case was upheld, with the court noting that it was “very doubtful” that patients aged 14 and 15 could give fully informed consent. ROGD (Rapid Onset Gender Dysphoria) Dr Lisa Littman Here is the research underpinning Dr Littman’s coining of the phrase, “rapid-onset gender dysphoria” to describe the sudden increase in teens announcing a transgender identity. Children with gender identity issues are ill-served by adults who shut down the debate This Observer editorial comments on the interim Cass report into UK gender identity services for children and notes that “The long-term health consequences of puberty blockers are unknown, and there is clinical confusion about their purpose.” Top trans doctors blow the whistle on sloppy care - Abigail Shrier In this ground-breaking interview with two leading transgender doctors, they admit that some transgender healthcare has been “sloppy” and one states, “I’m worried that decisions will be made that will later be regretted by those making them.” Trans doctor who helps teens transition says it’s now ‘gone too far’ A transgender psychologist who has helped hundreds of teens transition has warned that it has “gone too far” — and fears many are making life-changing decisions because it’s “trendy” and pushed on social media. Another unfortunate experiment? New Zealand's Transgender Health Policy and it's Impact on Children by Jan Rivers and Jill Abigail In this NZ research paper, Rivers and Abigail analyse the dramatic rise in the presentation of gender dysphoria and gather abundant evidence that the use of puberty blockers is neither safe nor effective. Evidence for puberty blockers use very low, says NICE - BBC News A review by NICE – the National Institute of Health and Care Excellence (UK) – concluded that the quality of evidence for puberty blockers was “very low”. The Swedish do a u-turn on gender transitioning In May 2021, Sweden officially ended the practice of prescribing puberty blockers and cross-sex hormones for minors under the age of 18. What I wish I’d known when I was 19 and had sex reassignment surgery “I chose an irreversible change before I’d even begun to understand my sexuality...But if you explore the world by inhabiting your body as it is, perhaps you’ll find that you love it more than you thought possible.”

  • Resist Gender Education | NZ Schools Guidelines

    NZ Schools Guidelines Independent NZ Guidelines on Sex and Gender in Schools We have developed this guidance to help New Zealand educators build an understanding of new developments in sex, gender, and identity, to ensure that all students are safe at school. We present research-based evidence and a compassionate roadmap to support schools to develop a respectful school climate that meets the needs of their diverse communities and is in alignment with globally-recognised best practice and pedagogy. Our guidelines are endorsed by Emeritus Professor Sue Middleton and Emeritus Professor David Gerrard. NZ Schools Guidelines .pdf Download PDF • 6.08MB

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